He isn't very funny, and I have taken issue with him in the past, but here is one UK politician who writes very little with which I can take issue.
I mean by that, for the pedantic among you, that I can take issue with very little of what he writes, rather than that his output is minimal.
He isn't very funny, but don't hold that against him.
Go over there and see if you can leave a comment.
I have attempted to do so. I thought he was very good in Edge of Darkness.
His very first sentence contains a split infinitive. I gave up reading it after that.
And what, pray, is the difference between "first" and "very first"?
I gave the reading of your comment up after that.
Added emphasis.
Homework...now you're setting homework.
and he ended a sentence with a preposition.
Ziggi (and Vicus, I now notice) both started sentences with the word 'and' which is, I was taught, contrary to good English usage.
If paragons of virtue such as these can make minor mistakes, what hope has a mere politician.
I forgive him.
That isn't the start of the sentence. It started elsewhere and finished here.
Thank the good lord I don't give a stuff, or understand, grammar!
And YES I like him too. Meacher is one of the few good guys that has survived the gauntlet of becoming a politician. Sad that he is utterly marginalised by the crap that the Labour party has now become. I might vote Tory - at least we won't have to suffer the hope that we are electing some people who might actually do something good at last.
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