It has everything, summed up by being a successful struggle against adversity.
A young lad, (and lapsed blogger) fighting against a savage environment where vegetable-related cheating is a way of life, forges a career and gains international recognition.
I feel a strange empathy with Dickens in passing this on.
I see other resemblances between you and Mr Dickens too - like the fact that he'd be nearly 200 now, had he found your secret of droning on for ever.
that was like a real mystery that was. first, click THIS link and read THIS, then click THIS link and read THAT, and then come back HERE and read this post again in order to recall where you first started and what it was all about.
most enthralling.
in fact, just like a monica dickens novel with all of those twists and turns.
*happily whistles a tune*
you are so inspirational, Vicus
That Dave, he's so huffy-puffy, you know.
The width of your reading is an example to us all, Vicus. Pip-pip.
Beware Leicester Mercury Poisoning. The heckling gestures are known as doing a "Leicester Pivot" I'm told.
Josh Stick is a very good blog name but could only have been dreampt up by someone whose father was an old hippy.
I bet he's nearly as funny as his dad, he certainly is to look at.
Clippy Mat is brave leaving comments. As for the aforementioned guns & drugs...guns maybe featured in Dickens and come to think of it so did drugs. Ah well...such is life...
Ziggi, actually I do know a couple of jokes, but I haven't got the bottle to get up and do that stand up stuff.
I'm hoping he's going to get famous and buy me a retirement bungalow.
Tom, has he been on BBC 7 yet? They cover the Leicester thing and often run interviews with the turns late at night. I do try and listen to it but I'm usually falling asleep at the time so may have missed it. This ought not to be taken as a critique.
Larks. Little birds, they are.
I enjoyed your blogger and the fact that he hated himself for using a pun. We were in agreement (though I laughed out loud anyway....a true LOL I suppose). How dreadful.
And Whatlarks is my avatar's name on a game I play. Joe inspired me in his remarks to Pip. It's alright to hate me now. I have no doubt Dickens would. I'm sure he's grateful to be dead.
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