I turn to the opposition - the electronic Telegraph - this morning, to find with some dismay but not a great surprise that our lovely prime minister has taken to wearing fancy dress.
I cannot, for the life of me, work out what he is meant to be. An extra for Doctor Who perhaps, but I have not watched that program since the days of Patrick Troughton, so maybe not. Do any of you have suggestions?
More intriguingly is the slogan on his dog-collar. Already showing some reduncancy in the sense that 'forward' automatically rules out 'not back', I wonder in which direction we are going forward? My guess is toward the slimy pit of meaningless drivel that is the product of our current regime. Greasy Dave will have his work cut out to make things worse if he ever gets elected. But they said that Reagan was too stupid to be president.
Charlie Kennedy would have been much more fun. Everyone, join the LDs and get him back in
So anyway, I get back from a weekend away and here we are again. Tony Fucking Blair. Wasn't he the guy in 1997 who made us all think he was going to do some really good stuff. And so far what has he done good, um, can't think of anything. He's fought a few wars, or at least some of our guys have on his behalf.
Anyway re the photo, I think I'd rather go back not forward, if it's to where he wants to go. Sorry Vicus, I can't do funny and Blair in the same comment.
No, Tom, not all of us. I didn't even hope that things would be better.
Richard. Pamela is in the LDS, but I am not sure she has heard of Charlie Kennedy.
I think he's meant to be even more of one than he usually is.
Maybe the party he's at is the Conservative Party.
Looks like Bertie Bassett to me.
He's saying, "I've got allsorts of new ideas, you know."
Nope, I have no clue who Charlie Kennedy is. Should I?
It is quite clear that he's dressed as a sex toy, and attempting to steer Young Britain away from the path chosen by Mark Oaten.
In related news: A question to Paris Hilton, "I am a VIP, I may have to use the back entrance to the Paris Hilton."
Hilton,"It doesn't matter who you are, it's not gonna happen."
He's Fred, the BeRo Man. At first I thought perhaps he was supposed to be the Michelin Man, but then I realised it was only a picture of Prescott.
I think he's a teletubby. But the one who forgot to get fully dressed, and came out in his underwear.
Ah, Tone. What a disappointment you've been. Charlie Kennedy would have been so much more... drunk about it all.
Perhaps a cross between DEVO and Oswald Moseley? Love that plastic turtleneck . . . .
Moseley. Yes. You are very widely read FE, are you not?
Is it just me, or is the picture turning pinker as time goes by?
Maybe the color is shifting toward BUF?
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